Many of the field properties have Text / Formula Builders (hammer icon). The “Insert a Function" selection has a section called, “Data Interchange”. The function that will allow you to best render your JSON is, “JSONVAL”.

{( JSONVAL({{json}}, 'jsonpath') )}

Returns the value from the given JSON for the given JSONPath query.
Note: The JSONPath '$.' prefix is not required.
e.g. JSONVAL({{myjson}}, 'resp.token’)

Attached is a screenshot of the list in the “Insert a Function” area for the Text/Formula Builder. 

When selecting a function you can hoover over it to show a description, explanation and some provide examples and reference links. Below is the information and reference links for each Data Interchange type.

REST Http Status
Returns the HTTP status code received when the given REST field last performed a REST request.
e.g. If the REST field named 'myRestField' executes a request successfully then HTTPSTATUS({{myRestField}}) should return a value of '200'.

Value From JSON
Returns the value from the given JSON for the given JSONPath query.
Note: The JSONPath '$.' prefix is not required.

e.g. JSONVAL({{myjson}}, 'resp.token')

List of Values From JSON
Returns a List of values from the given JSON for the given JSONPath query.
Note: The JSONPath '$.' prefix is not required.

e.g. JSONLIST({{myjson}}, '')

Value From XML
Returns the value from the given XML for the given XPath query.
Note: The opening XPath '/' is not required.

e.g. XMLVAL({{myxmlfield}}, 'resp/token')

List of Values From XML
Returns a List of values from the given XML for the given XPath query.
Note: The opening XPath '/' is not required.

e.g. XMLLIST({{myxml}}, 'resp/products/id')