The REST field type enables you to issue a REST request in JSON or XML to an external web service and pull data from pretty much any API. The result of the request is stored in the REST field; you can then access the result’s values through our existing JSONVAL() and XMLVAL() formula functions.

Note that this field requires internet connectivity. You also need to ensure that the app user account being used is a Premium type, as the REST field is a Premium feature.

Configuring your REST Field
Simply drag and drop a REST field from the left-hand toolbar onto your Form page, then configure it using the right-hand properties panel.

Rest Request - Provide the details of the REST web service request that the app should issue.

Destination URL - This can be built up using our formula builder.


REST Format - REST services support JSON and XML formats for input and output data by default. The default format is JSON.

Request Body -   Specify an optional payload in JSON or XML (depending on the format selected). Use our standard Data Template syntax to inject field values and formula results. e.g.,

'MyJsonProperty': '{{myfieldvalue}}'

Dialog Message - This displays a custom dialog message to while the request is being executed.

Request Trigger - Specify when the request should be executed:

On Form Load: Triggers the request to fire once the form has loaded successfully.
On Condition: Triggers the request once the specified condition evaluates to true.

Request Condition - Controls when to execute this request by evaluating a formula with a true/false result. e.g., NOTBLANK({{myActionField}}) will fire this request when myActionField's button is pressed.

REST Weather Example App
To help you get acquainted with this field type, we've created an example app which we've published to our Examples Catalog. This example app utilizes a free account at APIXU to demonstrate how to connect to an API to pull current weather information. This account has limitations of 10,000 API calls per month.

To make use of this API in your own solutions:

 Step 1 - The request requires an API key which you can acquire by signing up for your own account. Get your own API Key via this link:
 Step 2 - Next, update the hidden field apiKey with your key.
 Step 3 - Test or Publish the form
 Step 4 - Open the Form on your mobile device and select a country from the drop down below.

Using the JSONVAL() formula to evaluate the response, the form populates fields with the current weather information. Learn more about our data interchange formulas in our Formula Cheat Sheet.

Click here to install the REST Weather Example App

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