Governance and collaboration for a content critical age — Egnyte's secure enterprise cloud storage. Our built-in connectors allow for seamless integration with your Egnyte Connect account, ensuring efficient workflows across your organization with one access point for all business content. With hundreds of integration partners embedded in existing content collaboration tools, teams can work how they want on the devices they choose. Seamless, secure, streamlined.

Connection Authentication

The first step in integrating with Egnyte Connect is to authenticate the account with our platform to allow the two to communicate, either by pulling data into a data source from a spreadsheet or pushing data into static or dynamic locations in your account.

When signed into the Amplus Forms platform, navigate on the left-hand menu options to Connected Data>Connections. Once on the Connections page, click ADD CONNECTION found on the top-right corner. Selecting the Egnyte option from the available list will add the Connection and allow you to enter in your Engyte Account Name/Domain*; then hit SAVE (top right corner).
*The web address used when creating your Egnyte account.


Egnyte Connection


After saving, an ‘AUTHORIZE’ button will appear on the Connection. Selecting this will launch a popup-window allowing you to enter your Egnyte Connect login details and authenticate the Connection. A successful connection will be indicated by a Connected green check mark to the right of the Connection.

And that's it! Now, depending if you want to push or pull data to/from Egnyte, adding a Form or Data Source Connector is next.

Adding a Data Source Connector

Importing rows from an Excel/CSV file that reside in your Egnyte Connect account can be achieved using a Data Source Connector. For example, if you have client data that you want to use within apps created on our platform, a data source can be linked, prepopulated and set to update on a timed refresh for use in screens.

Navigating to Connected Data>Data Sources>Settings Page (of a data source)>Connector>ADD CONNECTOR+ and selecting the Egnyte option from the available list will add the Connector to that data source. Once the connector has ben added, enter the File's location (FolderName/Folder2/FileName.xlsx or .csv) and hit SAVE on the top right.


The column and row data will then be populated at the refresh frequency specified or by selecting the 'RUN NOW' option.

After successfully syncing the data from Egnyte into Amplus Forms, clicking on the data source's 'ROWS' option will allow you to view the pulled data.

Note that syncing times may vary depending on the amount of data being imported.

Adding a Form Connector

Exporting custom file outputs is achieved on form uploads by adding Form Connectors to the desired form. If you're looking to send/store multiple types of captured form data (e.g. customized PDFs, Word docs, Excel files) into your Egnyte account, the ability to add numerous Form Connectors to a form makes this possible.

Navigate to Apps>Screens>Connectors page (of a form)>ADD CONNECTORbutton found on the top right corner and select the Egnyte option from the available list to add the Connector to that form.

Once the connector has been added, you'll be able to configure the following settings:

  • Name
     (e.g., Egnyte Connector 1, Egnyte Project Connector)
  • Save Data as
     (CSV, Excel, PDF, Text file, Word)
  • File Name
     (Static or dynamically driven using our Text Builder by selecting the hammer icon on the right)
  • Folder Path
    (Static or dynamically driven using our Text Builder by selecting the hammer icon on the right)
     Note that if a folder doesn't exist, a new folder will be created.
  • Add Data Template
     (Allows Word/Excel files to be added, customizing the output based on existing formats your currently using)
  • Add Run Condition
     (By default, connectors trigger on form uploads. Adding a Run Condition/Formula allows for dynamic trigger scenarios based on user-captured data that calculates whether or not this Connector should run when a form entry is submitted.)
